Zoning Code | Procedures | Building, Site, and Operation (BSO) Plan

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Building, Site, and Operation (BSO) Plan
Description: No person shall erect or construct any building or structure, or shall add to, enlarge, move, improve, alter, convert, extend or demolish any building or structure or cause the same to be done, or shall commence any work covered by this chapter on any structure without first obtaining a building permit therefor from the Ledgeview Zoning Administrator or designee (however, the Ledgeview Zoning Administrator or designee may authorize minor repairs not involving structural alterations without requiring a building permit to be issued.)

Decision-maker(s): Zoning Administrator (Dustin Wolff), Town Board

Application fee: $250.00

Submittal deadline: Fourteen (14) days prior to the first Monday of the mouth before 12:00 pm (noon)

Step 1: Contact the Town Clerk to discuss your proposal
The Petitioner meets with town staff regarding zoning regulations (setbacks, parking requirements, building design, site layout, etc.) and use requirements in a preliminary review. 

Step 2: Submit all necessary materials and fees to the Town Clerk no less than fourteen (14) days prior to the first Monday of the month before 12:00pm (noon)
The Petitioner will submit all required materials to the Town Clerk before the required due date in order to be considered for approval. Please see the BSO Application for a list of required materials and checklist. A site review application fee of $250.00 must be submitted with materials.

Step 3: Scheduling of a Zoning and Planning Commission (ZPC) meeting
After all necessary materials and fees have been submitted, the Town Clerk will place the item for action on the next ZPC meeting agenda.

Step 4: ZPC Action
The ZPC will review the petition and make a recommendation to the Town Board.

Step 5: Town Board action
A decision will be made by the Town Board based on comments from Town staff and the ZPC to determine if the BSO plan should be approved. 

There are no upcoming dates at this time.
Application Materials
document icon BSO - Application

You may also need:
document icon BSO - Procedure